Friday, September 30, 2005

Digital Workflow in Photoshop CS - Tutorial

Digital Darkroom Workflow using the Photoshop CS File Browser

I always shoot raw images on my Canon Digital SLR cameras. I find this gives the maximum in image quality as no "lossy" compression system (such as jpeg) has been used - also, it gives the potential to correct white balance, exposure, high-iso noise in the shadow areas on the raw data before it is converted for opening in Photoshop.
Getting captured raw images from the camera onto the computer, saving them into files, selecting which ones to keep and which to delete, processing them into TIFF files, editing, naming, saving and back-up etc are all parts of the digital workflow.
I have produced a tutorial on the main Ophrys Photography website which describes the workflow method that I use in Photoshop CS - using the excellent File browser window that this version of Photoshop introduced. I have called this tutorial "Raw Workflow in Photoshop CS" please click on the link to visit.

To view the tutorial on Raw workflow in Photoshop CS please click here.

To visit my main Ophrys Photography website - click here

To visit a tutorial on raw conversion please click here

To visit the main tips and tutorials page, please click here

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

What is an ophrys ?

An ophrys is a type of wild orchid which resembles an insect such as a bee or wasp.
In the UK there are four species of Ophrys orchids : bee (Ophrys apifera) , fly (Ophrys insectifera), early spider (Ophrys sphegodes) , late spider (Ophrys fuciflora).

I have been passionate about wild orchids since I was a young boy and it seemed fitting to name my wildlife and nature photography website Ophrys Photography in their honour. The company logo is a late spider orchid - chosen because it only grows in the UK in the county of Kent - where I live.

The main website contains galleries of orchid images which are available for purchase as prints or photo stock for publication.

The web address for Ophrys Photography is :

The orchid showcase gallery contains some of my favourite images:

The general gallery contains all the other orchid images, and includes some rare subspecies, variants and hybrids.

As I travel, I am beginning to add a collection images of of European species

and tropical orchids:

Osprey siting in Kent UK

An osprey appeared in Hythe, Kent on the royal military canal in September 2005.
The bird was probably on migration to Africa.
Fortunately it was very approachable and after 3 days of watching it catch fish I managed to get a series of shots. This one ended up on the front page of Kent on Sunday newspaper.
The picture was taken with a Canon 1D mk II
and 100-400 IS lens. 1250 iso, 1/250th sec at f5.6.
To see more images in the series visit :